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One of the objectives of the Texas Association of Magicians is to allow member clubs to host the annual Labor Day Weekend magic conventions. Since the first convention in 1946, an annual magic convention has been held yearly in cities such as Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Tyler, Abilene, Corpus Christi, and Lubbock.

For information on the upcoming convention, please visit

The following list indicates the number, year, President, and city location of TAOM picnics and conventions.

1943   Mother's Day Barbecue, Sunday May 9, Austin
1944   Labor Day Picnic Austin 1
1945   Labor Day Picnic Austin 2
1     1946   Labor Day Picnic 3 and first TAOM Convention, Herman Yerger, Austin *
2     1947   Herman Yerger, Fort Worth
3     1948   Ralph De Shong, Houston
4     1949   Jas. A. Bowlin, Dallas
5     1950   Ed DeWees, San Antonio

6     1951   Dr. Carl L. Moore, Austin
7     1952   Ren Clark, Fort Worth
8     1953   Tommy Bearden, Houston
9     1954   Royal Brin, Jr. Dallas
10   1955   L. Louis Harrop, M.D. Corpus Christi

11   1956   C. Allen Sears, Austin
12   1957   W. C. Stubblefield Fort Worth
13   1958   James Daniels, San Antonio
14   1959   Ed Watkins, Dallas
15   1960   Thomas B. Martin, Houston

16   1961   W. Doug Grounds, Corpus Christi
17   1962   Allen Sears, Austin
18   1963   Robert O. Utter, Fort Worth
19   1964   Ed DeWees, San Antonio
20   1965   Dr. John H. Gladfelter, Dallas

21   1966   Frank Clauder, Houston
22   1967   Gene Looper, Corpus Christi
23   1968   Wilbur Kattner, Fort Worth
24   1969   Dean Duncan, San Antonio
25   1970   Harold Thomas, Dallas

26   1971   Walter Blaney, Houston
27   1972   John L. Howell, Abilene
28   1973   Nolan Manly, Jr. Fort Worth
29   1974   Robert C. Ford, San Antonio
30   1975   Dr. Ralph A. Marcom Dallas

31   1976   Ed Campagna, Houston
32   1977   Bob Emery, Austin
33   1978   Roger Crabtree, Fort Worth
34   1979   Frank Ramirez, San Antonio
35   1980   Noel Coward, Dallas

36   1981   Frank C. Price, Houston
37   1982   Gerald Edmundson, Fort Worth
38   1983   Kent C. Cummins, Austin
39   1984   Steve Norman, Abilene
40   1985   Alex D. Gutierrez, San Antonio

41   1986   Bob Karlebach, Dallas
42   1987   J. D. "Tex" Babin, Corpus Christi
43   1988   Bruce Chadwick, Fort Worth
44   1989   Douglas Kornegay, Houston
45   1990   Chuck Lehr, Dallas

46   1991   Bill Faulkner, Tyler
47   1992   Joe Douglas, Corpus Christi
48   1993   Raymon Galindo, Austin
49   1994   Charles E. Golla, San Antonio
50   1995   Bill Mayes, Lubbock

51   1996   Terry Campagna, Houston
52   1997   David Hirabayashi, Fort Worth
53   1998   George Blackburn, San Antonio
54   1999   Peter Hinrichs, Austin
55   2000   Scott Wells, Dallas

56   2001   Don Stiefel, Corpus Christi
57   2002   Arthur Emerson, Fort Worth
58   2003   Dean Ponton, Lubbock
59   2004   Steve Burton, Houston
60   2005   Don Morvits, San Antonio

61   2006   Jeff Lee, Dallas
62   2007   Ken Forester, Corpus Christi
63   2008   Randy Keck, Fort Worth
64   2009   Scott Hollingsworth, Houston
65   2010   Hull Youngblood, Austin

66   2011   Justin Botter, San Antonio
67   2012   Daniel Garcia, Houston
68   2013   Mark Jensen, Dallas
69   2014   Bill Irwin, Fort Worth
70   2015   Trixie Bond, Austin

71   2016   Judy Hollingsworth, Corpus Christi
72   2017   Frank Seltzer, Frisco (1st TAOM Sponsored Convention)
73   2018
74   2019
75   2020

76   2021
77   2022
78   2023
79   2024
80   2025

* CONVENTION NUMBERING SEQUENCE: To settle the ambiguity of the convention number sequence, the 1997 TAOM Board of Directors voted to officially recognize the 1946 Austin picnic as the first convention of the Texas Association of Magicians. This convention numbering sequence follows the pattern established by the late Doc M. S. Mahendra (Sterling), the first Secretary of the TAOM organization.


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